This Weekend, Slow Down, and Tune In…

Last night I experienced the perfect metaphor for this weekend’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, America Birthday energy. Here it is:

I told my love I wanted to go see the Grafton fireworks, so he took me to see them (First theme: being loved and cared for). The fireworks started right as we were driving into Grafton, so we pulled over in a random parking lot, as did others, people were everywhere so we pulled in and just parked in the middle of the aisle, got out and watched the fireworks. As we were watching, I had a realization about why I have always loved fireworks, it’s because for that period of time when fireworks are going off and everyone is stopped and just looking at the sky in awe and amazement, it brings me back to this child like joy of nothing else in the world mattering. (Second theme: pure inner child awe and awareness) I realized as we were standing there, that collectively, everyone in Grafton stopped for those 20-30 minute and was just looking at the sky in wonder. It was like time ceased to exist, and we were all connected in that space, of awe and amazement, together (Third theme: collective unity).

This perfectly sums up what this weekend’s energy is bringing us. The opportunity present right now, is for us all to collectively slow down, recognize how far we have all come this year, together, we are all experiencing 2020 differently, yet similarly in the fact that we are all going through major change; and right now we just need to sit in this moment of peace and take a breath, connect with our child like joy, and realize we are all watching the fireworks together.

Find some quiet moments this weekend, take time to slow down and honor how far we have come. There is still a long way to go, but right now we are taking a minute to nurture our weary souls before we moved forward again. Cancer season is all about self care and nurturing. Use this time for just that, and tune into spirit. This is a time for downloading messages and visions for what is to come, while we rest in the peace of knowing we’ve made it this far on our own, we are capable, but we are also more connected to each other than we know. Find the love. Find the peace. Rest up dear friends, our work is just beginning.



PS For more insight on July’s energy, check out the Wake Up with Spirit Seeker Podcast, hosted by Cynde Meyer, where I talk about this month’s energy in depth!