Astrology Readings

Since ancient times, astrology readings have explored one’s birth chart to define the essential stages of one’s journey. Readings bring clarity to areas of conflict, emphasizing one’s strengths and providing tools for approaching life in new and creative ways.

All readings come with a detailed report emailed to you so that you don’t have to worry about memorizing everything on the spot.

Clarity Session

In this session, you will receive an in depth astrology report that will address the issues underlying the area you are seeking clarity around. We dive deeper into the energy to better understand how the energy is actually playing out in your life.

Natal Reading

In this session, you will receive a detailed birth chart report highlighting everything about your own personal energy make up. This session is useful for determining your innate talents, purpose, and path in life. 

Solar Return Forecast

Every year on our birthday the sun returns to its original position in our chart, marking it’s solar return. This session offer a 12 month forecast from your birthday on the type of energy and year that lay ahead. This session makes an amazing birthday gift for anyone who appreciates being in flow and tapping into the wisdom of the stars!

Mini Reading

For the mini reading I will take a look at your chart and the current transits occuring, in order to answer any questions you have and provide clarity and guidance. You will receive a 20 min audio recording as well as a follow up report which will inform you of all the energetic transits going on for you, as well as explaining the energy of all of them. 

Not sure what reading is right for you?

If you have any questions, want to schedule a reading, or if you’d like to connect with me in any way, don’t hesitate to reach out however you feel most comfortable. I look forward to hearing from you.