Event Calendar

Christine’s calendar of astrology classes, talks and in-person events. Please click “More Info” to see the full event description.

“Astrology, Human Design, The Gene Keys! What is it all, and how do we use it??”

Christine Compas, Intuitive Astrologer, Author, and Guide, will discuss the systems of Astrology, Human Design, The Gene Keys, and Life Path Numbers. Each of these systems offers its own personalized life guidance and clarity for us in our path to self-development, and in this discussion, Christine will explain what each system is and how to access them. A free resource guide with information on where to start with each system will also be available to all that attend the talk.

4/20 – 4/21
Pluto In Aquarius: Power to the People!

Christine will be doing intuitive astrology readings Saturday and Sunday, and also giving a talk at 5 PM on Saturday over Pluto In Aquarius: Power to the People! Where she will be giving an overview of Pluto’s recent shift into Aquarius, and what this means for the planetary energetics over the next 19 years of Pluto’s journey through the Humanitarian Centered Air Sign. Hint: We will see a societal shift of power dynamics, with a strong note of POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

5/2 – 5/5
Divine Wellness Spring Retreat

Details coming soon…

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