Hello lovely souls! Today we enter Scorpio season, and tomorrow we experience a VERY POWERFUL Full Moon! Full moons are a time to be objective, its a time to release, renew, and cultivate acceptance for the fruits of your labor. To do this we should be celebrating, expressing ourselves openly, and with that, pouring out the heavy weight of everything on our hearts.
This Full Moon is in the sign of Taurus: the sign of resources, values, beauty, nature, and self-worth! Scorpio is a sign that brings with it much change, it is the sign of death and rebirth to our darker shadow sides. So what this means, is that on this full moon we are offered the ability to bring deep lasting change to our values, our resources, and most importantly, our self-worth!
You have probably been feeling this heavy transformative energy for awhile now. We have had multiple planets in the sign of Scorpio for the last month, and we will continue to have some there all the way through January. Now that we have fully moved into Scorpio though, IT’S ON! Our emotions are being pushed hard, triggering things in us that we need to see, that we need to acknowledge, and that we ultimately need to radically transform. This is the season to break out of comfort zones and layers of old conditioning. We are being delivered a deeper understanding and way of thinking right now; it is time to EVOLVE!!!
It is time to release our attachment to comfort and control over certain situations. We must let go, and open up to new wisdom that is coming to us! THE KEY this Full Moon is to remain calm in the face of all this change. To remain observant, and to listen to the message that is behind the things that are coming up to trigger us. We all our guilty of reacting out of habit, but if you can focus on remaining calm, you can start to see things in a new light. This is what we are meant to sink into the most. The calm. The un-triggered self. You are not a victim of your life, things are happening to teach you lessons. Lessons that will help you see your challenges in new light, and help you evolve to your higher self. We are ready for this.
I promise you, this full moon is going to bring all kinds of shifts and changes… who’s ready??
Happy Full Moon!!
– Christine