Retrograde Begins Today: Time to Download the Plans.

It has been a different year.

Nothing seems to be very normal.


Coronavirus, COVID-19, yes, obvi, but like whyyyy?

We are living through multiple planetary energetic cycles that are all culminating this year. A convergence of multiple years long cycles, which are cementing our next level of growth.

Destruction is inevitable (Pluto: Death and Rebirth). The old ways have to go. (Pluto: Transformation) Things that don’t enrich our lives and bring peace and joy to our world… your time is done.

To me, the biggest message of all the Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune, Mercury in Gemini, Venus Retrograde, all the 2020 placements that are culminating; is that we must surrender.

We have been put on pause in order to REVIEW the Expansive(Jupiter), New (Aquarius), Spiritually (Neptune) Healing (Chiron) Lessons(Capricorn) in Communication (Mercury) and Love (Venus).

I will say it again, we are currently in the midst of an expansive, new, spiritually Healing Lessons in Communication and Love.

We are, at our core, all driven by the urge to find joy and happiness.

It is now a time when we are able to admit, love is the means to those ends.

There is no other option.

Starting with self love, then love for your family, your community, and ultimately, our world.

We are at a push of devastation, required to truly bring us to our knees.

Saturn moves into it’s retrograde, or review, period today, May 11th, until September 29th. Saturn spent the last 3 years in its home sign of Capricorn (The Universe’s Project Manager), showing us where our structures need some updating. It started in early 2017, and ended in March of this year, at which point Saturn moved into the sign of Aquarius (The Humanitarian Messenger).

Saturn going retrograde today, marks the start of our review of our plan to review the structures of our society, and move away from the things that are not serving all of us equally.

Barriers must come down.

Things must change.

Enter Saturn’s stint in the quirky, humanitarian, outside the box sign of Aquarius. Where we will hopefully see people finding inventive new ways to relate to each other, how to make things equal for all, and how find joy in the work of our own self development, as we see the fruits of our labor grow in communities all around us.

Love will prevail.

Over this Saturn Retrograde through September, we are downloading messages which will help us solidify where we want to go next. Who we truly want to be.

It starts for you, within yourself. No where else.

We all have to own our own shit.

We have to hold up our hands, and accept help.

We have to Allow the Love in.

We have to make decisions towards others with new compassion and patience.

We have to start seeing and accepting, that we are all here, trying to do the best we can, with what we are given, at any one moment.

Sometimes we mess up, sometimes we make poor decisions.

We are hear to learn, and grow.

We are hear to cultivate love and share it.

Sometimes you are the one cultivating it, sometimes you are the one sharing it.

The more we focus our efforts on building ourselves up, the less we tear others down.

Radical self love is the Path. It all starts within.

This review period now, is all about going within.

What is the truest, most authentic version of you?

How is your current life supporting you in that?

Where is it not supporting you?

How can you show that area of your life more love?

What can you communicate to those around your that would help to lighten your daily load?

How do you show up best for others? How can you do more of that?

Create a big picture strategy, and figure out which direction you want to take some baby steps towards. Write this out. In a notebook, on your phone, on a post it, I don’t care where, but physically mark those thoughts down.

Sit with that plan for awhile. Tweak it as you download a deeper understanding of what is required… and how not scary it all really is.

It’s going to be fun once we get into it, although some hard adjustments may come first.

Keep checking back in with yourself.

Keep showing yourself love.

Love, compassion, and patience, will always see us through.

I work with individuals looking for clarity and guidance around navigating their cycles. If this speaks to you, and you are want help figuring out where to go next, let’s talk. Feel free to send me an email at [email protected] letting me know where you could use the most help right now, and we can see how I can help. For anyone ready to say yes, and create the blueprint for their next step, you can schedule an appointment here. Either way, I look forward to hearing from you all.

I write this message with all the love that I have to give, I hope it reaches you in this way.

<3 Christine